Or should I say "You mess with the pregnant lady... you get full-on bitch"? I'm so glad I have my blog to vent to right now. Let me set the stage: I have to park in a parking garage for work. The smoking area for the entire building is on the floor where I park so I have to walk past it every time I enter the building. Most of the time the smokers are on a bench a few feet away, but today it's really windy so two dub-T (white trash) middle-aged women (well, I say middle-aged, but Ann Richards looked like she was 105 when she was 60) were smoking right in front of the elevators so there was no way I could avoid them. I pushed the button to call the elevator and I'm highly agitated with the situation because I'm breathing in all of their second-hand smoke. How do address this? Do I bite my lip? Do I ask them to move? The fury was building inside me. Then I tell myself to be nice and settle down because these people obviously don't know where they're not supposed to be standing. I turned toward them and said in the nicest voice I could muster I said, "Would you ladies mind smoking on the benches? I'm pregnant and would rather not breathe in the fumes". There - that wasn't abrasive. That wasn't so bad. And for a split second I was proud of the way I voiced myself like a mature adult.
But that's where the maturity stopped. You know that scene in The Exorcist where Linda Blair's head spins around and her eyes are glowing yellow? They looked just like that. My words were like holy water hitting their nicotine-possessed bodies. So now I'm mad. I'm mad that these women are 1) looking at me like I'm the crazy one and 2) they're not moving. Just as my elevator arrived and before I could stop myself, the following came out of my mouth: "And you know what else?!!! I don't want to STINK!! I don't want to SMELL LIKE YOU!!!" What? Am I five years old? I don't want "to smell like you"? Nice. I was so articulate that I'm surprised I didn't add a "nanny nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo" to the end of it as I ran onto the elevator.
Moral of the story: I am a walking hormonal time bomb so don't make me nuts, because I will shame you. That's right - shame you.
P.S. - Merry Christmas, everyone! I'll be posting a joyous Christmas greeting once I download pictures!!
2017 Kiddo Quotes
7 years ago