Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Two Week Appointment
The whole appointment went really well and I'm glad I picked the pediatric group that I went with. I didn't know it until today, but the medical assistant for Ellie's doctor was one of my Tuesday night step regulars, so it was good to see a familiar face. Ellie was completly happy being held by her, being weighed and then being held by the doctor. Ellie has gained one pound since our visit eleven days ago so she's now 8 pounds 6 ounces. The doctor was really happy with her progress even though I've been stressing that I've only been feeding her 7 times a day rather than the "recommended" 8-12 times a day. I seriously don't know how she could eat more than she does. The doctor said that whatever I was doing was working, which was good to hear. She's also grown 3/4 inches so she's up to 22 inches long and her head is 14.25 inches. That means she's in the 50th percentile for head and weight and >95th percentile for length. She still looks skinny because she's so long.
Then we had to do something that Ellie did not like - she had to get her heel pricked for the rest of her PKU stuff. It tests for metabolic disorders. She screamed like a banshee. Poor thing. They make you sit there and hold her while they do it so I'm sure she thought I was trying to saw her foot off. That was enough activity for Ellie and she promptly went to sleep.
Two other big milestones occurred yesterday - Ellie's umbilical cord fell off and we got her social security card in the mail so she is officially a tax write-off. She's also making big strides with head and neck control. Today after we got home and she ate, I put her on her stomach for some tummy time. If you lay her down with her head facing one way and then move to the other side, she'll turn her head to look at you. Of course,she face-plants for about 5 seconds during the transition, but she works it out. When I'm holding her upright, all she wants to do is hold her head up and look around with her bright eyes. She gets a little fussy if she can't see what is going on. She's still really wobbly so she looks like a turtle bobbing along. That was Ellie's big day - it doesn't get much more exciting around here!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Memorial Weekend 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Stork Has Landed

Lee's mom was nice enough to order us a stork so everyone on our block knows that Ellie is here!! We were going to go with the billboard, but thought it was too flashy. It's very cute and we get to keep the plaque with all of the details on it.
Ellie and I have been having a great time. She has been so good - there's a part of me wondering when my luck is going to run out on her being so good. She's been a little more alert lately, but I still have trouble keeping her awake with it's time to eat. Must be rough. She is a great baby and loves to be held - which works out for Lee because he never wants to put her down. I don't either, but I think I'm getting carpal tunnel in my wrists, so I'm going to get a sling so I can wear her while I do things around the house. Here's more of Ellie doing what she does best.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Brando's Baby
That's right. My baby wears a pink skull cap.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Home With Ellie
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Welcome Ellen Elizabeth
When I got to the hospital, I was 1cm dilated and since I had NEVER been dilated before, I was very excited about that. The contractions became more regular and stronger so I decided to get an epidural... mostly because I was about to barf from the pain. Literally. But first I had to get the IV so they had a line. This was by far the worst part of the entire process. First I gave blood samples which went okay. Then the nurse tried to give me an IV. Trust me - I told them all about the horrible veins I have and nobody listened. She didn't get the vein. So they sent in Nurse #2 who failed and then Nurse #3 who blew out a vein in my hand. All the while I'm contracting so 4AM was sort of a low point that involved mild profanity. Nurse #4 got it in there. Once I got the epidural, I went to sleep.
When she came out, she cried a little, but didn't fuss much as they cleaned her up. Lee was the first one to hold her while they worked on me and I really thought he'd never put her down. I finally got to hold her and these two huge eyes stared up at me. I knew she knew who I was and she also knew who Lee was because she would look over at him when he talked. I couldn't believe how alert she was. She also looked a little confused because I'm sure she had planned to spend the day swimming again. After we had some time with her, my mom and dad as well as Lee's mom came in to see her.
She's only been here 36 hours, but I can't believe how easy she has been. She's so agreeable. And she's beautiful. I can't believe how perfect she is. She's asleep in my lap right now. We get to take her home tomorrow and I'm very excited for her to see her new home. And for those of you who are interested in me, I'm fine. I have been walking around all day and think I'll be back to my old self in 2-3 weeks. I hope.
Here are some more pictures... there will be more to come!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mother's Day 2007
When I got home on Friday, the Baby Rock CD's we ordered had arrived. Now Ellie has Coldplay, U2, The Cure, and Bob Marley in her collection. I think this may be Lee's favorite thing in the nursery. We met our friends Mike and Shanon for dinner at Zushi Sushi and then came home and sat in Ellie's nursery and listened to some of our new CDs. That baby has the most comfortable nursery. Walking in there makes me want to go to sleep - which is the idea.
On Saturday, I went Katy's house for Lauren's baby shower. Lauren is having a little girl too so there was a ton of cute little girl things there. It was there that I met Buzzkill while standing in the buffet line.
BK: So when are you due?
Me: I was due on Wednesday so I'm 3 days overdue.
BK: OHMYGOD. Are you miserable? You must be miserable.
Me: No. I'm fine.
BK: Are you sure you're not miserable? Because you look miserable.
Me: Really - I'm fine.
BK: Wow. I don't know how you're holding it together because I'd be miserable.
Thank you for the pep talk, Buzzie. And rest assured, I will not call you if I ever need to be talked off a ledge.
We celebrated Mother's Day at our house with the Rogers and the Brights minus Elizabeth who had to work. I don't think people wanted me to cook, but I was voting on staying at our house because that way I wouldn't have to wear shoes. I never thought that developing Smurf-like feet would play a role in my decision to stay in or go out, but here I am. We had a good time and Lee gave me a nice gift - some pajamas to wear after the baby gets here. They're so comfy!
More news tomorrow!
Friday, May 11, 2007
On Thursday, I was in the elevator on the way up to my office with a lady I'd never seen before. She turned to me and said, "When are you due?" Without trying to look bitter, I smiled and said "yesterday". Based on the look on this woman's face, I figured out that people you don't know do not want to hear that they are suspended 12 floors above the earth in a tiny steel box with a woman who is past her due date. They would rather hear that you have head lice or the bird flu. At least they'd have a chance to recover from that. If the elevator gets stuck, delivering some random girl's baby is not on their "Top 100" list of things to do. So from now on, I'm going to tell people I'm due "next week" to avoid mass hysteria.
That's all the news I have. My Branch Davidian baby remains holed up in her uterine compound. Ellie, here's a piece of advice for you - come out. I have never been a part of a standoff, but based on what I see on TV, they never end well for the person standing off. Most of the time they involve tear gas and a SWAT team; however, in your case, it will involve Pitocin and a team of doctors. So do yourself a favor, listen to the hostage negotiator (your father) and walk out of there peacefully because if you don't, we will come get you. Love, Mom.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Groundhog Day
That is the baby update. I'm still working and I will until I go into labor or else I'll be sitting at home by myself burning vacation time. I am still working out. I didn't teach it, but I went to my step class last Tuesday and I'm going to go again tonight. I'm keeping it light. If something happens, I'll post on here before going to the hospital... so keep checking the blog for the latest news!
Other than that, I'm starting to enter that "holy crap, I'm having a baby" mode. I was watching videos on Babycenter this weekend and saw a video of a mother giving a baby a bottle. It suddenly occurred to me that I don't have bottles. Seriously - what mother doesn't have bottles? Well, that would be me. Then I started wondering "What else don't I have"?!! I thought we had the big stuff with the crib, car seat, and diapers, but if I'm forgetting bottles, what else am I forgetting? Ellie is going to arrive and freak out because she'll know I'm totally clueless. Babies are like dogs. They can smell fear. Anyway, I went out and bought bottles so now I have a boob backup.
I'm also going a little schitzo and hording food. "Preparing for a nuclear winter" sounds a bit extreme, but I know that's what everyone thought I was doing at the grocery store on Sunday. I don't think our pantry will fit any more food. Why I'm afraid of Lee going hungry, I don't know. I walked through the aisles dumping food into the cart like I'd never see a grocery store again. I seriously have enough food to cook about 15 different meals. I'm a little afraid I'll have to have the C-Section and then I won't be able to leave the house for 6 weeks or something crazy.
We also got a few more things for the nursery. Mom and dad brought over Ellie's toy chest and Lee assembled it. We needed a place for all of the toys and stuffed animals she's already acquired. We also bought a CD Player/Clock so she can listen to her music. My friend, Amanda, gave me a CD of lullabies that are set to Coldplay songs. Lee and I liked the music so much that we found the Baby Rock Records website and bought lullaby albums from The Cure, Bob Marley (Lee's picks) and U2 (my pick). We're hoping Ellie will learn the classics early.
Looks like I amy not be a mother for Mother's Day after all! Hope everyone has a good week!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
CSI: Dallas
Me: Hi - I work in the office behind your motel and I'm watching them remove a dead body from one of the rooms...
Man: Uh-huh.
Me: And I'm just wondering - what's going on down there?
Man: I'm not sure.
Me: Did you know there's a dead person out there?
Man: Yes.
Me: Is it a man or a woman?
Man: It's a man.
Me: Did you see him?!!
Man: No.
Me: Was it a murder?
Man: I'm not sure. They're investigating right now, but I don't think so.
POOR. That's a man for you, isn't it? I need more information. It couldn't have been that bad because right after they hauled him off, the cleaning lady went in there with her little cart. This is why I love my window seat.