We went about our afternoon activities of going to the park, feeding the dogs, and eating dinner. I was in her room making her bed (which takes 15 minutes and is harder than passing a camel through the eye of a needle) and she was in her chair reading when she looked at me and said, "I poo poo?". I asked her if she poo-pooed and again she said, "I poo poo?". I checked her pants and there was nothing there. I told her that she hadn't gone yet, but reminded her that big girls poo poo in the potty. With that, she ran out of the room. I continued making her bed and when I looked up, she had carried her potty into the living room where Lee was watching TV. Then it went a little something like this:
Lee: Tiff, she just brought her potty in here.
Ellie: I poo poo?
Me: Yeah, she just told me that she went but there was nothing in her diaper.
Lee: Well, maybe she has to go?
Ellie: I poo poo!
Me: I don't want to pressure her. Maybe we just let her sit on the potty and poop in her diaper to start out with?
Ellie: I POO POO!
Me: Or maybe I should take it back into the bathroom? I don't want her to think that she can poop on her potty in here.
Then Ellie stood up, let out a loud, frustrated scream, and started stomping her feet. I checked her diaper, and there it was - the poo poo. Poor kid. And you know she was thinking something along of the lines of, "Okay, let me get this straight - three hours ago, you buy me a toilet so I don't have to soil myself anymore, but when I tell you I have to poo poo and physically BRING you my toilet, you stand there and discuss me taking a dump with each other until I crap my pants?! I am starting to think I am the smartest person in this room." I guess she's going to have to potty train ME.
More from the weekend:
Reading her book
I was "that mom" at the grocery store. Man, those things are hard to steer!