I have to get a post in before Christmas or else I will be totally behind and stuck writing a 10,000 word essay on December 31. I'll start with Deck the Hall, the annual children's Christmas concert at the Meyerson on December 13. We went last year and Ellie had a great time then, but an even better time this year. Dallas native Lisa Loeb was the entertainer. We started off with Breakfast With Santa which included a picture with Santa. That didn't go well. Ellie had NO interest in meeting Santa. We have Santa all over the house so she knows who he is and she'll even say "Ho! Ho! Ho!" if you asks her what Santa says, but was not so interested in actually meeting him. I expect that this behavior will continue until she's about 3 or 4.
After breakfast, there was a lot of great lobby entertainment. Ellie enjoyed listening and dancing to a one-man band, watching a magician, getting a reindeer balloon hat made, and was particularly interested in watching a string quartet play. By the time the concert started, Ellie was operating at a level 10. She sat fairly still during the concert, but was ready to get out of there when it ended at noon. Too much stimulation.

Front row at for the one man band.

The String Quartet.
She's had enough of Decking the Halls.
When we got home, she was being pretty cranky so I fed her and put her down for a nap - which she would have none of. It marked the first time she's never taken a nap during the day and it's not something she's going to repeat anytime in the near future. I tried for 1.5 hours to get her to go to sleep... patting her back, singing, more books, and at one point I rocked her which is not easy any more because she's 5'6" now. So eventually we got up and made the cookies that I wrote about in the last post. That night we met our friends, the Hardemans, for dinner. Ellie and Cooper kissed each other on the lips when we left and I about fell over I started laughing so hard.
This past week, we celebrated the holidays with more fun - I met my college girlfriends Meg, Debbie, Annie, Bonnie, Jenny, and Kristine, for dinner and an ornament exchange at Olenjack's in Arlington on Tuesday night and then Ellie and I went to the Dallas Women's Club with Beth and Elizabeth for a Mother-Daughter-Granddaughter Tea. Santa came down from the North Pole again for the Tea and again Ellie was steadfast in her determination not to take a picture with him. She was much more interested in the ladies in a little band that was playing Christmas music. They brought instruments for the kids to play with and Ellie had fun shaking a tambourine.
We met my parents at the Gaylord Texan on Saturday morning to see the Ice! exhibit. It is a hugh exhibit of ice sculptures... really a lot more interesting than it sounds. They had a 15 foot slide... which Ellie could not ride because she wasn't tall enough, a giant Santa, a huge angel, gingerbread men, and a life sized nativity scene. The only problem is that they kept the entire exhibit at 9 degrees. That's about 60 degrees colder than I like to be. They give a parka to all of the visitors, but it's NINE degrees. My ballet flats didn't hold up. I think Ellie's favorite part of Ice! was jumping into a huge barrel of teddy bears at the end. After lunch, my parents took Ellie home with them because Lee and I were supposed to go to a holiday party on Saturday night, but we hadn't had a free night with no kiddo in... forever... so we decided to stay home. I made chili and Mike came over to watch the final Cowboys game at Texas Stadium which they lost.

I picked Ellie up on Sunday, and according to my Mom and Dad, Ellie was pretty good. She only threw all of her food on the floor once. They kept a lot of my old toys so she has plenty to do when she's there. While I was working around the house on Sunday, I forgot how productive I could be when she's not there. I got 6 hours work done in about 2. And I took a nap and went shopping. But it was strange not having her around and I felt like something was missing the whole time.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year because I know Ellie will be excited when she opens her gifts. There's such a small window when children are genuinely excited about Santa, the reindeer, the elves, the gifts, the cookies, the lights, the tree... I am going to soak it all up while it lasts.

Merry Christmas.