I don't want to hear it. I know I've been a little... absent lately. I'm back with a lot of pictures from this weekend. On Saturday Ellie attended her first Easter Egg Hunt. My parents joined us at the annual Easter party was at Lakewood on Saturday morning and when Ellie first got there, she was hesitant because of all of the commotion. But when she got outside at the hunt she came to life and knew just what to do. The Easter egg hunt was at the driving range and her age category was 4 and under. We had to show her that she was supposed to pick up the eggs and put them in the basket, but she caught on really quickly and started picking them up.
We celebrated Easter by going to the 9AM service at our church with my parents. Ellie was really good the entire time which... was a change from the previous week. But in Ellie's defense, last weekend was Palm Sunday so the service lasted forever. Forever for a toddler is longer than 5 minutes especially when they're supposed to be sitting still and quiet. We came back to the house for a while after the service and then met the Brights at the Petroleum Club for brunch. I had one tired kiddo after all of that activity this weekend.
In other Ellie news, she can count to 12 and sign the entire ABC song without messing up. She learned it faster than I thought she would. Her biggest sentence is now "No, no Daddy. I don't like that." They teach them to say "I don't like that" at school so they can say it to another child instead of hauling off and hitting the other kid. My little genius also surprised me the other day when I was reading a book to her. It was an Easter book about hiding eggs and one egg was hidden in a bird's nest. I pointed at it and asked her what it was and she told me "a nest". Then I asked her what was in the nest and she said "a baby birdie". Kiddo already knows that baby birdies come from eggs. Genius. She's also all about getting the mail now. Every day when we get home, she runs to the stairs to see if the mailman has delivered anything. When there's not any down there she holds her hands up and shrugs and says "No mail?". I'm constantly amazed with the speed at which she learns things. Here she is saying "cheese".