Instead of detailing our weekend chronologically, I'll start with the biggest news first. I'll give you a hint - it involves me wearing a white helmet with pink flames and Lee wearing a matching black helmet with sliver flames. We are absolutely flaming. We bought a Vespa!! Yes, we are now the proud owners of a black
Vespa LX 150. It's so cute.

I don't really know what prompted this purchase. Lee and I have talked about getting one for several years and Saturday we just decided to go to the Vespa
dealership and do it. So far, it's been a 5 star experience - very fun. I didn't know how mom and dad would react, but I found out this afternoon that my dad used to own a Vespa in college. Early Sunday morning, Lee and I went over to his parent's house to show off our new toy and walked into the house wearing our extremely cool helmets and sunglasses. My father-in-law said "What the hell are you guys doing?". Then we went upstairs to wake up Beth. We walked in the room and she shot up in bed and said "What did you guys do? Buy a Vespa?". Good guess. We've already put 50 miles on it just by tooling around town. We don't hit any major streets - just the back ones. I haven't driven it yet. I'm leaving that to Lee. Next weekend we may go to an empty parking lot so that I can practice. Lee let me name her so I call her Sophia after another Italian beauty,
Sophia Loren.

After we surprised Tee and Beth, we took Sophia to get some bagels and then went to Lakeside Park where Lee fed most of his bagel to the ducks. The funniest thing about riding around on the Vespa is that we have total street cred with other motorcyclists on road. We get waves from everyone who passes us. I'm practically a Hell's Angel now. It must be the helmets.
So that's our big news. The weekend sort of wore me out. On Friday night, we celebrated the college graduation of Anne Marie Wheelock with her family at Cafe Pacific. On Saturday, my company had a picnic and then we again celebrated - but this time the celebration was for Beth since her birthday was on Friday. Don't worry, Beth- I won't say which birthday it was! Since Elizabeth was at a bachelorette party in San Antonio, it was just me, Lee, Ben, Beth, and Tee at the
birthday party. I took my camera, but for got to charge my batteries so I don't have any pictures. Gotta run -
dinner (and
dessert!) are ready and the season finale of Desperate Housewives is on!
1 comment:
OMG! Love the helmet!! Wayne was just talking yesterday about wanting a scooter. But the carseat just doesn't attach to it very well. Have fun!!
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