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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hey Baby!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. I know I've really disappointed my fans, fellow bloggers, and the blogging community. So let's see what's been going on... we're still making wine, I got my haircut last week, the Aggies are 8-2, and... we're having a baby!! Very exciting. I am 14 weeks pregnant and we're due May 9. Preliminary data is suggesting a girl. I'm not very girly, but I'm going to try to fake it with her. I actually conceived the day before the Justin Timberlake concert (we think) so the good vibrations of Sexy Back must have locked it in. Here's a shot of the most beautiful baby in the world:

Can you see her waving? She's already a daddy's girl. I think she's beautiful. Lee and I saw two arms, two legs, and ten fingers. We didn't see ten toes because her feet were to the side, but if she's like Kate Hudson and has 6 toes, I'll be fine. You can see her head on the left and her leg on the right. This was the first of three shots we took. While I was laying on the table, the doctor got a funny look on his face and said "I think there's something you need to see". The following image came up on the screen:

She was doing math. And not just your crappy "2+2" addition - she attempting some pretty complex calculus including but not limited to Laplace Transformations, areas under a standard normal curve, and measurements of three-dimensional volumes. The doctor had never seen anything like it. We listened and heard her heartbeat and heard the following:

My girl was speaking Latin. I almost cried. The doctor didn't come right out and tell me she was a genius, but I can read between the lines. I have a couple of other shots of her reciting the first 50 decimal places of Pi and finding the cure for cancer, but you get the idea.

My goal is to start giving everyone weekly updates, but don't expect any belly shots. Really my weekly updates will be pretty boring because *thank God* this whole thing has been pretty easy on me. No morning sickness, no weird cravings... it' been pretty good. Our next sonogram is at Week 20 so that's just 6 weeks away! I can't wait to see my baby again. I'm going to try to blog again this weekend. We went to Santa Fe last weekend so I hope to have some pictures up soon.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Wow, it's a good thing Miles has a year and half lead on her... I was impressed with his kissing sounds and "banana" pronunciation. Veni, vidi, vici... ppptttbbbbb.