My kid is so advanced. Seriously - she's a genius. Well, what she did may not constitute genius, but she definitely has exceptional motor skills and a great sense of humor. On Friday, she rolled over from her stomach to her back for the first time. I thought it may have just been a fluke, but she did it again on Monday. And more importantly,
she laughed for the first time today. Not just a chuckle - a full on belly laugh. I put her in her car seat on our kitchen table and then I dropped something on the ground, so I leaned over to pick it up. When I popped up, it startled her, but then she smiled. Because I am her performing monkey, I did it again to get another smile... only this time I added a funny face and sound effects. Sure enough - my child recognized comedic genius and let out a huge belly laugh. We did it another three times and then she stopped laughing. Probably had enough of the Tiffany Show.

I can't figure out if she's teething right now because she constantly chews on her fingers, puts everything she can into her mouth, and drools like crazy. As a shower gift, I received a Lamaze Spin and Explore Garden Gym from my friend, Amy. I think Ellie is still trying to figure out what to make of it. She keeps her head up the whole time so she hasn't figure out that there are things to play with on the ground. She doesn't scream when I put her on it so that's good.
We didn't do much this weekend - out for dinner on Friday night, ran errands Saturday, and then cooked out that night. My dad came over on Sunday afternoon to visit Ellie (and us too I'm sure) since my mom was out of town visiting her family. We had a good time and dad got another couple dozen pictures. I think he is starting to rival the number of pictures that I take. Ellie got a little tired so dad sang her to sleep before we had dinner.

Trudie is back in full effect. The medicine for her arthritis has worked wonders and is back to her old self. This is good and bad because I know she's feeling better, but that means she acts like a bull in a china shop. If a door is closed, she'll just ram it. And she's a very entitled dog too. We were watching television this weekend and the papasan was on the floor between us. Before I knew it, she had hopped right into it.

Then last night, I was feeding Ellie in the nursery and heard a ruckus at the end of the sofa. Trudie had helped herself into a large basket where I keep Ellie's burp cloths and other items. Note that the basket + items in it are taller than she is. Completely ridiculous. I'm glad she's feeling better.
1 comment:
LOVE that picture of the pup in the papason. And I keep meaning to tell you -the other day Josh said to me "good grief! I can't believe you have TIFFANY linked to the blog." Yes. the genious thought it was the store. Even tho I tell him your stories all the time, there was no connection in his brain. But.. now that I think of it.. linking the store isn't such a bad idea... :)
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