She pretty much slept the rest of the morning and when she finally woke up in the afternoon, she was ready to play. I stayed home with her and we had fun visiting my stylist in the afternoon for a cut and color and then we took a walk because it's finally starting to feel like fall. They weighed her during the check up, and with all of her clothes and diaper on, she's 15 pounds 4 ounces. I'm guessing she'll be about 16.5 when she goes for her 6 month checkup. I also spoke with the doctor yesterday about the possibility of adding rice cereal to her diet. After talking to him (one other doctor, a nurse, a lactation consultant, 10 other mothers, and researching what the American Academy of Pediatrics says), I decided to hold off on letting Ellie try her first bite of cereal until 6 months. She's happy and she's not starving, so why rush it?
By Friday, she was a lot better. Lee went out of town to the dove hunt with his father and a large group at the Herradura Ranch. It's owned by Josh Beckett, Red Sox pitcher, and run by his father. This place sounds pretty posh - it came complete with a swimming pool and fine dining - so I don't think either of them were roughing it. My dad was out of town at a singing competition so it was a girls' weekend all the way around. On Saturday morning, Ellie and I went for a long walk and then visited my friend, Jill, the Kappa house mom at SMU. When I think of house moms, I usually think of our Zeta house mom, Poopsie, who was 101 years old. But Jill is not your typical house mom. She's an aerobics instructor and she keeps the Kappa kitchen stocked with candy and homemade bread. The Kappas just built a new house and - wow - I'm willing to bet that this is the nicest sorority house in the nation. From the art room overlooking downtown to the conference room with high speed internet hookups to the sun deck with lounge chairs... I may go back to school so I can be in a sorority again!
Ellie has a new trick she's going to show everyone next blog... she can sit up now!! And it's not the halfway sit up where she has to use her arms for support. She's all the way up and she's so excited she can do it. I don't think she's close to crawling though. I feel like she's closer to walking than she is crawling, but we'll see. She can also put her paci back in her mouth now. Praise Jesus. Sometimes it takes her five minutes, but she works on it until she succeeds. That's my girl!
1 comment:
My sister is a Kappa at SMU. Isn't their house amazing?! My sorority house looked NOTHING like hers. Sigh. I'm only a little jealous (okay, a lot).
Well, the countdown to Idlewild has begun. My sister (a.k.a. "Debzilla") is one of the debs this year. Ya'll going?!
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