Poor thing probably got sick because she had quite a busy social schedule this weekend. So of course Ellie started of the weekend with a bang - literally - by falling forward onto the floor at daycare and bopping her head. When I picked her up, she had a big purple knot just above her left eye on her forehead. So I called her "bruiser" the whole weekend. It doesn't look that bad, but I think there will be more falls in the future for her since she's getting to that point where she's trying to crawl and pull up, but she's still very clumsy. She's really fine... I just wanted my baby to be bruise free when everyone saw her this weekend.
Lee: Smell my finger.
Me: No.
Lee: Seriously - smell my finger.
Me. No. I don't want to smell your finger.
Lee: Don't you trust me?
Me: thinking ... this must be another one of his Jedi mind tricks.
His finger smelled of lush evergreen. Apparently Mr. Smellmyfinger had come across some sap. Who knows what it'll smell like next time.
That night, Lee and I went to a party hat one of his friends was having and then out for some sushi. Beth (B.B) took care of Ellie for us and I think that Ellie was pretty good. While we were at the party, one of the ladies we met gave us her daughter's babysitting business card (she's 14 and she has a business card) so I may call her in the future if I need someone for a few hours.
Katy had her annual ladies Christmas luncheon on Sunday so Ellie attended. Her sister's son, Jaydon, was there along with Leslie's daughter, Grace. Unknown to them, they provided exceptional entertainment by sitting together on the sofa while we took their pictures. That night, we had the last of our weekend parties with the play group of our church's mother's association. All very fun. I need to get on the ball this upcoming weekend and wrap some gifts... I can't believe that Christmas is only 12 days away. Next year my plan is to get everything bought and wrapped by Dec.1 so I can make December about family instead of stressing about gifts. We'll see how that works out...
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