I don't know how coherent this blog is going to be because I'm all hopped up on Benadryl right now for the jellyfish stings, but I'll give it a shot.

I think the saddest thing about going on vacation is waiting and waiting and waiting for the vacation to get here and then it's over in an instant. Last Thursday, we left for four days and three nights of fun to celebrate Jenny and Brant's wedding. I took a
ton of pictures and now I just have to organize them. I had never been to Cabo before, and I was not disappointed. It is so nice there and I would recommend it to anyone considering a beach vacation. It's not tropical and humid like so many other Mexican cities - it's very arid so most of the area is covered with desert-type plants except in the resorts where there is a lot of landscaping. We stayed at the
Sheraton Hacienda Del Mar and really enjoyed it.

Bonnie and Brett were on our flight and sat in our same row on the airplane. As soon as we got there, we put on our swim suits and were out by the pool with margaritas in hand by 2PM. If only I could be out by the pool every day with drink in hand. Ruben, Meg, Tim, and Chrissy arrived a little later and we got ourselves ready for the shuttle to take us to the welcome party at a beachfront restaurant called
Sunset da Mona Lisa. We had cocktails, hand-rolled cigars, pasta and took pictures during sunset. Following that, we all decided to go to a bar in downtown called "
Squid Row" where the music was seriously bad. It was in the "what Mexicans think drunk American tourists like to line dance to" genre. They seriously played "Baby Likes to Rock It" but the Tractors. I think I insulted the DJ because he told me to stay out of his booth. We decided to pack it up and headed to
Cabo Wabo, which is Sammy Hagar's bar, but left shorty after we got there because it was totally seedy and Bonnie needed to go home. Coincidentally, Bonnie was #1 that night.

We got up on Friday morning and decided to make it our day by the ocean and the pool. Ruben and Meg tipped us off that there was a giant squid on the beach so Lee and I had to find it and of course Lee had to poke it. The eyeball on the thing was the size of a golf ball. So gross. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was about 2-3 feet long. We walked down to a rocky part of the beach and there were crabs all over the place. I like to eat crabs, but they're a little freaky live. They look like cockroaches that can move sideways. We had a great time relaxing and even played a little sand volleyball.

Saturday night was the rehearsal dinner at
Cabo del Sol Golf Club. We had cocktails on the patio followed by dinner and the toasts. There were a lot of speeches. Since we were going snorkeling the next day, we called it a night after dinner because we had to in downtown by 7:45 to catch our boat at the marina.
The whole marina area really surprised me because there is high-end shopping there. It's all new and very nice. Total 180 from the Bahamas, if you've ever been there. We had a private sailboat take the eight of us out to snorkel. Occasionally, I will have motion sickness on a boat, and I did on our little boat, but I never ralphed. After 2 hours of almost loosing my breakfast, we got in the water to snorkel. We had only been in a few minutes when Meg started screaming that something was biting her. I looked under the water and there was nothing around her. Totally confused by her freak out, I continued to swim, but then it started to happen to me too. I looked in the water again to see nothing, but eventually figure out that there were all of these floating worm-like things in the water. Jellyfish (or water fleas as our tour guides called them). It felt like fire ants biting. Instead of just swimming through them, I grabbed my arms and legs and started rubbing them thus rubbing more flesh-eating acid into my skin. Five days later, I am STILL all red and bumpy so I may go to the doctor tomorrow. Afterwards, we shopped with Meg and Ruben and then grabbed a bite to eat before heading back to the hotel.

Jenny got married on the beach at the
One and Only Palmilla. This place really was the one and only. It so fancy that when staff walked by you, they placed their hand on their heart and bowed. Seriously. I mean one or the other would have been sufficient. I'm going to start making Lee do that. Jenny and Brant were married outside overlooking the ocean and then we had drinks and appetizers adjacent to the ceremony site after the wedding while the wedding party was taking photos. Her reception was a seated dinner and then there was a dancing with a band inside an adjacent building. Everything was so gorgeous and there were so many flowers. The whole weekend was absolutely perfect and I'm so glad we were able to attend. I think destination weddings are the way to go!
My parents were nice enough to watch Ellie while we were gone. We were so glad to see her when we returned. I missed her a lot, but I think Lee really missed her. Daddy's girl. She was taking 2-3 steps at a time before we left and now she's walking about 20 feet at a time. I'm going to try to get a video of it this weekend and post it.
Congratulations and best wishes to Jenny and Brant!

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