Ellie had her fifteen month check-up yesterday which could only mean one thing - more shots. Three to be exact. The good news is that she gets one more shot at 18 months and since she's right on time for everything, the next shot she'll get will be when she's four years old. I'll send Lee with her for that appointment because she'll actually be able to remember the shots at that point. Here are the vital stats:
Weight: 22 pounds 8 ounces (50th percentile)
Length: 32 5/8" (95th percentile)
So she is tall and thin with a petite head. Life could be worse. I couldn't believe her weight - with all she eats, I thought she would weigh more. As we were waiting to be called back for our appointment, Ellie was fascinated by the fish in the aquarium. A little boy about 3 years old walked up to her and very sweetly started to pet Ellie's bald, little 25th percentile head. She reeled back, swatted him, and gave him her best "oh no you didn't" look. He ran off crying to his father and she turned around to continue to watch the fish like nothing had happened. My girl is fierce! I wanted to scold her, but I was laughing to much (which for the record makes you feel like a really great parent if you start laughing when your girl has made a boy cry). When we saw the doctor, I asked him what to do about her hitting, because it actually has become a problem lately. He told me that when she hits, hug her back and say "we hug, we don't hit" or if she bites, kiss her back and say "we kiss, we don't bite". We'll see how his hippie "make love not war/hugs not drugs" method works.
On Saturday afternoon, we met Brandt, Jenny, and little Garrett at the club to swim. Garrett is the cutest boy - he's 19 months and looks like a little man. He was wearing giant water wings that were the size of his head. He didn't mind jumping in the pool and kicking around one bit. I think Ellie needs a pair. My mom and dad babysat for Ellie that night, so Lee and I went out to dinner and saw The Dark Knight. I was totally unimpressed, and I really wanted to like it. It's hard for me to sit through a 2.5 hour movie, so if I'm doing it, it had better be worth it. And this just wasn't. Heath Ledger was good, but Lee and I were both sort of bored. Since the weather was so awesome this weekend, Ellie and I went to Lee's soccer game. She loved to run around and meet everyone and is even pretty good at kicking a soccer ball. I know Lee will be so excited when Ellie is old enough to play on her own soccer team.

Head: 17 3/4" (25th percentile) (I had to assure Lee this does not mean she has a small brain)
It was tax-free weekend in Texas last weekend so we took advantage of the sales and hit the stores to shop for Ellie's fall clothes. After shopping, we went to Sam's. This is were I met The Baby Talker. For those of you who are lucky enough to be around me on a daily basis, you know that I talk to Ellie like she is a Harvard graduate with an MBA. I DO NOT babytalk and it freaks me out when people talk like that. So I was making my way through the awesomeness that is Sam's Club when I encountered her. "Ooooooooo! Oook at ooouuu! Ou are oooo ute! How ode r ooouuu?!". When people ask Ellie how old she is, I usually give it a minute to see if she'll answer "fifteen months". When she doesn't, I have to pick up her slack and answer for her. "She's fifteen months", I said. "Ooooo! Big girl! BIG GIRL! Ou pretty girl! Ou PRETTY GIRL!". All right lady, move out of here. I don't want her to start talking ike ou.
So that was out weekend - a diva, a baby talker, and the dark night. Where else but on the Bright Spot do you get characters like that?