There she is... my sweet little Ellie. Having a meltdown. Last Thursday, I witnessed Ellie's first full-blown temper tantrum. I got home after picking her up at school, Lee came home, Ellie didn't get something that she wanted - whatever that was - kicking and screaming ensued. She got so mad that she stood behind the clothes hamper in the corner of her room and yelled her little head off. I tried to coax her out, but she would have none of it, so Lee and I sat on the sofa in her room and watched her. There was nothing else to do. After 2-3 minutes, she came out and put her head in my lap. I guess sometimes everyone just needs to stand in a corner and scream.
This happened again on Saturday while I was getting my hair cut. Ellie fell asleep while we were on a jog, so she only got a 45 minute afternoon nap. That always spells trouble. Lee was watching Ellie during my 3:00 appointment, and about 30 minutes into my cut and color, Lee called:
Me: Hello?
Lee: She's doing it again. She's screaming and flailing around on the floor.
Me: Just ignore her. She'll stop.
Lee: She's not stopping. She's been doing this since you left.
Me: Well, try distracting her with something.
Me: I don't know... take her outside and fill up the pool.
Lee: I don't know where her swimsuit is or anything!
Me: Then just take her outside and turn the hose on her.
Lee: This isn't normal, Tiffany. I think she has autism.
Me: She does NOT have autism. She's just tired and she's having a tantrum.
Lee: (BIG sigh) Okay.
When I got home, the pendulum had swung the other direction. She was in a great mood and was so sweet for her mom with lots of hugs and kisses. I think we're hitting the terrible two's 9 months early.
One of her favorite things to do now is to wait for her jack-in-the-box to open. Over and over again. And it's not enough for me to crank it - I have to put her hand on the crank and we both do it together. Every time it opens, this is the surprised face she gives me:
Then she says "Ooooohhhhh" and giggles and that makes me laugh because it's the same surprised face every time. Then we put him back in the box. And do it all over again.
Side note: the little blue outfit she's wearing is what I was sporting this time 31 years ago. Yep - it was mine.
I just have to laugh, because I've seen that same tantrum waaay too many times. And MK goes a 180, too - from psychotic to blissful and back again, which makes it even more bizarre. After three years, we've learned it's best to just step over her and move on with whatever we're doing. NOTHING we do or say can pull her out of it until she's ready!
us too! screaming over the littlest thing. and then in a nanosecond, she'll giggle. and we too have learned to just ignore her. and then she slinks out to whereever we are and is very very cuddly. so no. i don't think Ellie is autistic. if anything, she's insanely normal. fun, huh?
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