So I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been a little absent from blogging. The crazy thing is that the last time I blogged was over 2 weeks ago, and I can't really remember what I've been doing since then. And the only reason I know it's been two weeks is because Lee keeps reminding me. October is proving to be one big blur. And I've been so bad at photographically documenting this blur... the only pictures I've gotten in a while were this past weekend. The weekend before last was poker weekend at our house. Lee had all of his poker friends over for the big game and since the weather is so nice, they played outside. That's actually the only way it can happen with Ellie asleep because they get pretty loud. The game lasted until past 2AM. I forgot to take Mike's picture... he really wanted to make the blog. Maybe next time, Mr. Steele.

I do remember what happened this past weekend. Lee was out of town hunting. We dropped him at the airport on Friday morning on our way to work, Tee picked him up at the San Antonio airport and they headed south to the Herradura Ranch. It's
the same trip that they took this time last year. So Ellie and I were by ourselves for the weekend. On Friday night, I stopped at Target on my way home to get some dog food, but I also got one of the most coveted toys of the holiday season...
Elmo Live. Apparently this is
the holiday item that people will be stampeding each other for this Christmas. In fact, the doll came out on Tuesday, and I got the last one in the store on Friday night. That night I stayed in and watched a girlie movie, Becoming Jane, but on Saturday, I had a whole girl's day planned.
I started off with a trip to the gym where Ellie got to play and then we met our friends,
the Hardeman's at the Arboretum for more pictures. Yes, we had been there a few weeks ago, but there was a professional photographer there. I couldn't decide if I wanted to dress in her cute fall jumper or Halloween costume... I went with costume. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag yet on her costume so I'm not going to post any of those pictures just yet, but I'm certain that Ellie is going to deeply resent me for this year's costume when she is old enough to realize what I dressed her as. I will say one thing this about the costume - it nearly paralyzes her so she stands there motionless. This makes it easy for me to pose her, but doesn't make it easy for her to smile.

After pictures, Stephanie, Cooper, Ellie and I ate lunch outside at the club. The weather was great. I think Ellie is recognizing Cooper more now because as we were leaving, I told her to tell Cooper goodbye and she started saying "Bye! Bye!" and waving at him. Then I told her to give him a hug. She did and they both fell over in the process. After a big nap, Ellie and I participated in some retail therapy.

On Sunday, I went against my better judgement and took Ellie to church. By myself. It's really all one can do to keep up with her when we don't have to be quiet and still. We made it through the gospel and then she pooped so I gave up and went to the club for breakfast. Maybe Jesus will give me double credit for the effort I put in while I was there. I don't know how single parents so it. Lee got home around 4:00 and Ellie was
so excited to see him. She saw him getting out of the car, ran up to him, and gave him a huge hug and kiss. Then she was beside herself with excitement when he made it upstairs. She was running around giggling and screaming. She definitely missed her daddy.
We've gotten a few new words out of her lately. She can say owl, Morgan, Lucy, Irma (her teacher), airplane (pronounced "eh-pane" though it would be much funnier if she screamed "da plane! da plane, boss!" when she saw one - Fantasy Island reference), buzz like a bee, and she's really been working on "please" a lot. If she sees me eat something she points to her hand and says "mo! mo!" meaning "more". Then when that doesn't work, she gets this pitiful look and says "peas?". How can I say no to that?
Here she is trying to put on her favorite shoes... they'd be my favorite shoes too if they came in my size.
Is Ellie's Halloween costume... Sarah Palin? Because that would be hilarious! :)
I love the picture of her and Cooper - that grin she has is great!
Lee Bright, esq.
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