After the hunt, Ellie spent some time at the bunny petting zoo and with the giant Peter Cotton Tail. Lee's parents joined all of us for a late lunch and then Ellie enjoyed a 2.5 hour nap.
In other Ellie news, she can count to 12 and sign the entire ABC song without messing up. She learned it faster than I thought she would. Her biggest sentence is now "No, no Daddy. I don't like that." They teach them to say "I don't like that" at school so they can say it to another child instead of hauling off and hitting the other kid. My little genius also surprised me the other day when I was reading a book to her. It was an Easter book about hiding eggs and one egg was hidden in a bird's nest. I pointed at it and asked her what it was and she told me "a nest". Then I asked her what was in the nest and she said "a baby birdie". Kiddo already knows that baby birdies come from eggs. Genius. She's also all about getting the mail now. Every day when we get home, she runs to the stairs to see if the mailman has delivered anything. When there's not any down there she holds her hands up and shrugs and says "No mail?". I'm constantly amazed with the speed at which she learns things. Here she is saying "cheese".