I'm starting to think that 90% of good picture taking is having a good camera and the basic knowledge of how to use it. I snapped two pictures of Ellie at the park this weekend that are two of the better pictures I've taken of her in a while. Of course, it took me about 100 pictures to get these two, but I guess that's the beauty of digital photography. It's also nice to have a subject who is too young to scream, "Stop taking my picture, mom!".
Not much to report this weekend. It was Valentine's Day on Saturday. I'm not really a big celebrator of the holiday so we mostly stuck around the house. We had swimming lessons again on Saturday morning and my mom came to watch and she took some pictures. My dad was busy performing singing Valentine telegrams which he does every year with his singing group to raise money for Cooks Children's Hospital. Here's Ellie reaching for the stars - literally. You might not be able to tell, but she is kicking. I discovered a more advanced program taught by a private lady so I may start Ellie in those lessons this summer or even earlier. It would be nice if Ellie could swim to the side of the pool by herself.

That afternoon, I took Ellie to the park and then we stayed here for Valentine's Day dinner. Lee and I made a pact not to get each other gifts, but I went ahead and got a gift for both of us - Coldplay tickets. They're coming back in concert on July 21. The radio station Mix 102.9 was giving them away all week to the 20th caller, but I was every caller BUT the 20th. I was the 19th twice. This is the radio station that I won a ski trip from 4 years ago. It seems my luck for winning radio contests is slipping a bit.

In other Ellie news, she gave me her first unsolicited "thank you" this week. Since she started talking, I've been trying to teach her to say "please" and "thank you". Usually I have to prompt her for one or the other, but this week as we were getting ready for school, I handed her a cup of milk and she gave me a "sank ooh". Very cute.
1 comment:
what book are you reading for pictures, cause they look darn good? I've had my new camera almost a year, and once took a class..... and the pictures seem to be getting worse.
Jealous in Weatherford,
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