That's me and my dad our Vespa! Happy Father's Day, Dad!! More of that later...
This is my last full week to be in my 20s. Sigh. This officially means I can't use word like "crunk" or wear really low rise jeans without sounding or looking completely ridiculous. Not that I throw out the word "crunk" or wear low rise jeans anyway, but if I wanted to, I'd really need to take advantage of this week.
This weekend was one of those weekends that I can't remember what happened because everything went by so quickly. On Friday night we took the Vespa down to Patrizio and as I got off the bike, I looked up and this little red-headed three year old was standing there giving me a thumbs up. I've still got it. We had a quick dinner and then tried to watch End of the Spear, but I can't make it through movies when we start them at 9pm because I'm almost 30 which means my movie-watching age is 85.
The next day I subbed a weights class in the morning and then proceeded to waste the rest of the day. Actually, Oprah sucked me into a black hole. When I start watching Tivoed Oprahs, I can't stop. If I'm ever in a coma, don't play Oprah in a hospital room because it will only make be drift deeper into the coma. I showed the downstairs unit to two different people and one of the ladies called me today to say she wanted to move in. She's really nice and she has a little girl so I think it's going to work out well. That night we went to dinner with our friends, Mike and Shannon, and then saw Nacho Libre. It was okay, but I didn't love it. It from the same guys who did Napoleon Dynamite so if you didn't like that then you won't like this.Sunday, I got ready for the Father's Day Cookout. Lee's parents couldn't join us because they were in Vegas. I made spinach, artichoke, and crab dip for an appetizer and feta, black bean and rice salad, grilled corn and hamburgers for dinner. We used our grill and ate outside for the first time since we've lived here. Mom made banana pudding for dessert. I got dad a crunk new cordless phone for Father's Day along with a bumpin' service plan so that they can get a new battery every year for free. Right now when I call, they can never get a phone to work or the battery is low or some such nonsense so maybe this will solve all problems.
After dinner, it was Vespa time. Mom wanted to try it out so Lee took her for a spin around the block. This wasn't mom's first rodeo. When my aunt lived in Jakarta, their driver's personal vehicle was a Vespa so she had ridden on one before there.
Still no word on the Professional Engineering exam. I'm a member of this PE Exam message board (basically a giant nerd forum) and they said that results could take up to another 2 weeks. One of my goals was to become a PE before I was 30 and now it seems that the licensing board is going to shatter this little girl's dream. I'm so over the PE exam. It's like a bad relationship that I can't make end or that lazy cousin who says he's just there for a weekend visit and then stays for 8+ weeks. I want you out of my life, PE Exam. To quote Sandy during her dramatic breakup with Danny Zuko after the pep rally, "You're a fake and a phony and I wish I'd never laid eyes on you!".
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