Sunday, January 21, 2007
Getting Ready... Take Two

Getting ready...

Mom and dad came over on Sunday to drop off a chest and to help assemble the crib. The crib came in a box about 6" deep so there was "some assembly required". I had done a LOT of work the day before since I rolled on paint for 4 hours so I decided to handle the easy stuff like ironing the dust ruffle, putting the sheets on her bed and taking pictures of the activities. Here is the finished product:
Ellie will wake up to a field of flowers every morning. Lee got Ellie her first toy at USA Baby which is a stuffed green dinosaur named Harvey. We still have to get a rocker and some wall art, but I feel like we're onto a good start. The dogs like the new room and they especially like the new rug. Lucy walked right in and flopped onto her back. I think that may be her permanent resting place once Ellie gets here.
What do you think?!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
December "Wrap Up"

I helped out at the Meyerson with a children's Christmas concert, called Deck The Hall, sponsored by the Dallas Symphony League. Somehow I managed to find myself in charge of "Pictures with Santa". This was not so much insight for me as to how I want or don't want my child to act - it was insight for me as a future parent as how not to act. I will never make my child wear reindeer antlers in a picture with Santa and I won't scream out from behind the photographer "ELLIE! Look over here! ELLIE! Baby, your skirt is all up in your lady business - pull your skirt down, honey. Take your finger OUT OF YOUR NOSE. NO - leave your Rudolph nose on, sweetie - don't you want to be Santa's little reindeer? Ellie, quit crying. I said QUIT CRYING or else Santa isn't going to bring you anything." I saw it child after child. I have this fear that I'm absolutely going to loose my mind once she's born and next year I'll show up at Deck The Hall with her dressed like an elf. Which seriously - how cute would that be? But just like Luke, I'm going to have to use the force and refrain from dressing her up in ridiculous costumes to take pictures that will only make her hate me later. Or maybe I won't. We'll see how nuts I get.
We also had Christmas parties to attend - my friend, Jenny, hosted one, my office had one and we also attended a deb ball at the Fairmont. Christmas is never complete without the Annual Girl's Christmas Brunch hosted by Ann and Katy every year. I can't remember when it started... maybe when we were juniors in high school? It's been going strong every year since then. I usually eat and drink way too much, but this year I only ate too much.
We celebrated Christmas twice - once in Arlington with my mom and dad the week before Christmas and then we spent Christmas day in Tyler with Lee's parents, brother, sister, aunt and grandmother from Chattanooga. Ellie got plenty of gifts considering she's not even born yet. She got a "Daddy's girl" onesie, a Mavs jersey, a silver "B" spoon, a little tee-shirt that says "E=mc2", a Ralph Lauren sweater, and "Princess Ellie" books. Apparently there's a whole series out there. I was very excited to get a camcorder (now I can post videos!) and also a new
digital camera with much higher mega-pixels. I'm very excited about next Christmas we wake up and Santa has made a special delivery at our house since Ellie has arrived. It'll all be different then! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a great 2007. I know that we will! I'll leave you with a parting shot of Lee with his favorite gift... the Encyclopedia of College Football, which is something every house needs!
Friday, January 12, 2007
They got the horns
Can you believe that I'm still working on my December "wrap up" post? It's going to be done this weekend.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The top 10 things I don't want to hear
1. "You're starting to show!"/"You're really getting big!"/"Your tits are huge!"
Thank you, Captain Obvious. That's the kind of thing you need to say behind my back. I came to the stark realization that my boobs were huge when the lady at Victoria's Secret told me they "don't carry bra sizes that large". The fact that I can still fit into their XL panty is of no consolation to me.
2. "How much weight have you gained?"
If pounds were made out of gold bars, I'd be excited to talk to you all day long about how much weight I've gained. But pounds are not made out of gold bars, they're made out of cellulite. For the record, I have no clue how much weight I've gained because I haven't looked at a scale since July.
3. "You look tiny!"
I don't have a waist anymore so saying that makes you a dirty, filthy liar.
4. "Are you taking pictures of your belly as you get bigger?"
Do you remember sophomore year when that guy broke up with you so you ate a pint of Cherry Garcia every night for a month? I didn't suggest that we photograph your ass.
5. "I see you're breaking out a little."
Thank you for pointing out my acne. We don't own any mirrors and I would not have seen that giant pimple were it not for you. Thank you.
6. "When I was pregnant..."
Are you pregnant now? Then I don't care.
7. "Are you supposed to eat that? I hear it causes autism/mental retardation/blindness"
Do you see me chewing on lead paint chips? No? Then I can eat it. I have read every website, every article, every book on what I can and cannot eat. I'm fine.
8. "Did you hear about the Consumer Reports study where 10 of the 12 infant car carriers failed?"
Christ Jesus, yes.
9. "My friend's friend just had a baby and it was born without hands/with it's eyes in backwards/with it's brain on the outside of it's head. "
I'm all for a good horror movie, but please don't tell me birth defect stories because it'll just make me crazy(er). I had the dream two weeks ago that I was artificially inseminated with monkey sperm and I gave birth to a hairy half-ape baby. I guess if that happened, I could just shave her ("Come here Ellie, let Mommy braid your hair and shave your arms..."), but I really need her brain to be inside her head so keep the scary stories to yourself.
10. "Who is going to be in the delivery room with you?"
Lee and the doctor. Don't even think about asking me for an admission ticket.
Let's go over an example problem. True story - I had this conversation at the gym with one of the members last night:
Girl: Hi Tiffany! Oh my gosh - you are just getting bigger by the second!
Me: Heh heh - yeah, I sure am.
Girl: How much weight have you gained?
Me: I'm not keeping track.
Girl: That's good. I have to go to a baby shower this weekend for a good friend. I'm super excited for her because her first baby died. She had it and then it just died right there in the hospital.
She didn't ask to be in the delivery room with us so I'll cut her some slack. Seriously, a conversation like that happens every day with me. Is everyone getting the picture here?
I'm glad we had this talk.