I helped out at the Meyerson with a children's Christmas concert, called Deck The Hall, sponsored by the Dallas Symphony League. Somehow I managed to find myself in charge of "Pictures with Santa". This was not so much insight for me as to how I want or don't want my child to act - it was insight for me as a future parent as how not to act. I will never make my child wear reindeer antlers in a picture with Santa and I won't scream out from behind the photographer "ELLIE! Look over here! ELLIE! Baby, your skirt is all up in your lady business - pull your skirt down, honey. Take your finger OUT OF YOUR NOSE. NO - leave your Rudolph nose on, sweetie - don't you want to be Santa's little reindeer? Ellie, quit crying. I said QUIT CRYING or else Santa isn't going to bring you anything." I saw it child after child. I have this fear that I'm absolutely going to loose my mind once she's born and next year I'll show up at Deck The Hall with her dressed like an elf. Which seriously - how cute would that be? But just like Luke, I'm going to have to use the force and refrain from dressing her up in ridiculous costumes to take pictures that will only make her hate me later. Or maybe I won't. We'll see how nuts I get.
We also had Christmas parties to attend - my friend, Jenny, hosted one, my office had one and we also attended a deb ball at the Fairmont. Christmas is never complete without the Annual Girl's Christmas Brunch hosted by Ann and Katy every year. I can't remember when it started... maybe when we were juniors in high school? It's been going strong every year since then. I usually eat and drink way too much, but this year I only ate too much.
We celebrated Christmas twice - once in Arlington with my mom and dad the week before Christmas and then we spent Christmas day in Tyler with Lee's parents, brother, sister, aunt and grandmother from Chattanooga. Ellie got plenty of gifts considering she's not even born yet. She got a "Daddy's girl" onesie, a Mavs jersey, a silver "B" spoon, a little tee-shirt that says "E=mc2", a Ralph Lauren sweater, and "Princess Ellie" books. Apparently there's a whole series out there. I was very excited to get a camcorder (now I can post videos!) and also a new
digital camera with much higher mega-pixels. I'm very excited about next Christmas we wake up and Santa has made a special delivery at our house since Ellie has arrived. It'll all be different then! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a great 2007. I know that we will! I'll leave you with a parting shot of Lee with his favorite gift... the Encyclopedia of College Football, which is something every house needs!
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