I'm going to have to tone it down on weekends or else I'm going to have to take off Mondays to recover... which may not be such a bad idea.
I had my 32 week appointment today and snuck in to try for another 3D sonogram. This was the final shot. Since the last two attempts have been unsuccessful, this time I tried to make Ellie move by jacking her up on a Coke before my appointment. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a real Coke (maybe I split one with my grandmother 3 years ago?), but I haven't had any caffeine since I found out I was pregnant. "The Experts" say it's okay two have up to two cups of coffee per day so I figured she'd be okay with one dose of caffeine in nine months. But even with all of the caffenation and desperate pleading from her mother, she didn't move. Still one hand is in front of her face and since she's pretty big now, the other side is smashed against the wall. I'll just have to wait to see here when she gets here. The sonographer did get some profile shots. She's got my lips.

All is still going well with the pregnancy except for the swelling in my feet and legs and massive calf cramps at night. And by massive, I mean I'd honestly rather have a steak knife shoved into my leg. I feel like I'm walking around on big tree trunks. In part two of our childbirth classes yesterday they told me I can't start working out until six weeks after I had the baby. What?!! It may be earlier if I get cleared by my doctor, but that seems like so much down time. Maybe I'll sneak in some "light" exercise before the six weeks are up depending on how I feel.
On Fright night, we met our friends Lloyd and Amanda for dinner at Stephan Pyles. It's so great to get out with friends. I'd never been there before, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it was one of the best meals I'd ever had at a restaurant and probably my #1 favorite restaurant in Dallas now. Outstanding. I can't say enough good things about it so if you live in Dallas or are coming to visit, I'd definitely make reservations and give it a try.
On Saturday, I helped with the shoreline cleanup at White Rock Lake, and then mom came over to take me shopping for a maternity dress for my upcoming baby shower. Actually, it was more like a four-hour long public humiliation fest. I never thought the area north of my waist would be so cartoonishly large that nothing would look good on me or fit me, but here I am living in Toon Town. All of the dresses I tried on were short and low-cut showing off Porky and Petunia Pig. And for the record, I heard "this is so cute on" from the salesgirls three times. I'd so much rather them tell me something won't make me look like a knocked up dime store hooker because at this point, that's really the only thing I'm hoping for. There are a lot of pregnant girls much bigger than me and I have no clue where they shop. So the quest for the dress is still on-going...
As mentioned above, we finished part two of our childbirth class on Sunday. They taught us infant CPR and gave us information on breastfeeding and post-partum care. I have this sinking feeling that breastfeeding is going to feel like having a cinderblock dropped on my nipple from a 20-story building. But I know that I am probably wrong and that it will actually feel a lot worse. It's weird to go to the childbirth class and see films on babies because most of the time I'm sitting there thinking "What are we doing here with all of these pregnant women? It's not like we're having a baby or something". It'll be even stranger when the nurse hands me my newly-delivered baby and tells me she's mine. Maybe the next 58 days will help me get used to the idea.
I had my 32 week appointment today and snuck in to try for another 3D sonogram. This was the final shot. Since the last two attempts have been unsuccessful, this time I tried to make Ellie move by jacking her up on a Coke before my appointment. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a real Coke (maybe I split one with my grandmother 3 years ago?), but I haven't had any caffeine since I found out I was pregnant. "The Experts" say it's okay two have up to two cups of coffee per day so I figured she'd be okay with one dose of caffeine in nine months. But even with all of the caffenation and desperate pleading from her mother, she didn't move. Still one hand is in front of her face and since she's pretty big now, the other side is smashed against the wall. I'll just have to wait to see here when she gets here. The sonographer did get some profile shots. She's got my lips.

All is still going well with the pregnancy except for the swelling in my feet and legs and massive calf cramps at night. And by massive, I mean I'd honestly rather have a steak knife shoved into my leg. I feel like I'm walking around on big tree trunks. In part two of our childbirth classes yesterday they told me I can't start working out until six weeks after I had the baby. What?!! It may be earlier if I get cleared by my doctor, but that seems like so much down time. Maybe I'll sneak in some "light" exercise before the six weeks are up depending on how I feel.
On Fright night, we met our friends Lloyd and Amanda for dinner at Stephan Pyles. It's so great to get out with friends. I'd never been there before, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it was one of the best meals I'd ever had at a restaurant and probably my #1 favorite restaurant in Dallas now. Outstanding. I can't say enough good things about it so if you live in Dallas or are coming to visit, I'd definitely make reservations and give it a try.
On Saturday, I helped with the shoreline cleanup at White Rock Lake, and then mom came over to take me shopping for a maternity dress for my upcoming baby shower. Actually, it was more like a four-hour long public humiliation fest. I never thought the area north of my waist would be so cartoonishly large that nothing would look good on me or fit me, but here I am living in Toon Town. All of the dresses I tried on were short and low-cut showing off Porky and Petunia Pig. And for the record, I heard "this is so cute on" from the salesgirls three times. I'd so much rather them tell me something won't make me look like a knocked up dime store hooker because at this point, that's really the only thing I'm hoping for. There are a lot of pregnant girls much bigger than me and I have no clue where they shop. So the quest for the dress is still on-going...
As mentioned above, we finished part two of our childbirth class on Sunday. They taught us infant CPR and gave us information on breastfeeding and post-partum care. I have this sinking feeling that breastfeeding is going to feel like having a cinderblock dropped on my nipple from a 20-story building. But I know that I am probably wrong and that it will actually feel a lot worse. It's weird to go to the childbirth class and see films on babies because most of the time I'm sitting there thinking "What are we doing here with all of these pregnant women? It's not like we're having a baby or something". It'll be even stranger when the nurse hands me my newly-delivered baby and tells me she's mine. Maybe the next 58 days will help me get used to the idea.
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