Full term! Ellie is now fully-baked and ready for her grand appearance. Here's what I learned at my Monday appointment - I'm 0 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She's going to check again next Monday to see if I've made any more progress and to determine if I'm a candidate for induction. I'm so schedule-oriented that it would be nice if I could color code "Deliver Baby" and put it into my Palm Pilot. My guess is I'm not going to be that lucky. I'm pretty tired this week because like clockwork, I wake up at 2:30 am every night. On Monday night, I never went back to sleep. No sleep = cranky and unmotivated Tiffany. I feel like Mariah Carey when she went crazy on TRL and started handing out popsicles telling everyone all she needed was "one long nap".
My co-workers gave me a really nice shower at work last Friday at lunch. We ate lunch, had cake and punch, and played games. Since my office mostly consists of men, I'm not too sure how excited they were to play "What candy bar is melted in the diaper?", but they were good sports and did it anyway. They also gave me a gift card to Babies R' Us so Ellie will be getting her stroller soon. 
This weekend was pretty low key. We were going to go to go see Blades of Glory on Friday night, but the hail and threat of tornadoes kept us at home. We saw it Sunday afternoon instead. It was pretty good - I tried not to get my hopes up, but being a big Will Farrell fan, I wasn't as impressed with this movie as his others. We also went to the pre-Baptism class for Ellie. We only have to do the one class so I thought it would be better to do it before she got here than after. I have no clue when she's going to actually be baptized. That will probably be something we figure out when she gets here, but I'm thinking September.
I also went to the JLD Spring Market and bought a bunch of stuff I didn't need and made a trip to the stores for Lee's birthday gift. He's got a birthday on Friday so we have a weekend of birthday celebrations planned. Poor guy - last year his birthday was the day before my PE Exam so we kept it low key and this year I'm pregnant so it will be low key again. Next year I'm promising fireworks, honey!
I retired my high tops today. This was my last week of teaching aerobics. Yes, I've still been hanging in there with my stepping and lifting. I think I could have gone all 40 weeks, but I didn't want to go into labor over a weekend or something and leave my classes without an instructor, so I gave up all of my classes at Week 37 just to be safe. I'm a little sad because this will be the first time in almost 9 years I won't have regular classes, but I don't know how I can balance a baby, a husband, my 9-5 job, my volunteer work, and everything else along with teaching. So I guess it's more jogging and workouts at the YMCA from now on. I may get back into teaching one day, but the more likely scenario is that I'll just keep on attending group exercise classes annoyed that the instructor is stepping on the down beat, can't hear the 8 count, and queues 1 second too late. I'll miss teaching, but I'll miss all of my participants the most. I gave some of them my blog address so I hope they'll still visit me. Thanks for all of the fun classes, everyone!

This weekend was pretty low key. We were going to go to go see Blades of Glory on Friday night, but the hail and threat of tornadoes kept us at home. We saw it Sunday afternoon instead. It was pretty good - I tried not to get my hopes up, but being a big Will Farrell fan, I wasn't as impressed with this movie as his others. We also went to the pre-Baptism class for Ellie. We only have to do the one class so I thought it would be better to do it before she got here than after. I have no clue when she's going to actually be baptized. That will probably be something we figure out when she gets here, but I'm thinking September.
I also went to the JLD Spring Market and bought a bunch of stuff I didn't need and made a trip to the stores for Lee's birthday gift. He's got a birthday on Friday so we have a weekend of birthday celebrations planned. Poor guy - last year his birthday was the day before my PE Exam so we kept it low key and this year I'm pregnant so it will be low key again. Next year I'm promising fireworks, honey!
I retired my high tops today. This was my last week of teaching aerobics. Yes, I've still been hanging in there with my stepping and lifting. I think I could have gone all 40 weeks, but I didn't want to go into labor over a weekend or something and leave my classes without an instructor, so I gave up all of my classes at Week 37 just to be safe. I'm a little sad because this will be the first time in almost 9 years I won't have regular classes, but I don't know how I can balance a baby, a husband, my 9-5 job, my volunteer work, and everything else along with teaching. So I guess it's more jogging and workouts at the YMCA from now on. I may get back into teaching one day, but the more likely scenario is that I'll just keep on attending group exercise classes annoyed that the instructor is stepping on the down beat, can't hear the 8 count, and queues 1 second too late. I'll miss teaching, but I'll miss all of my participants the most. I gave some of them my blog address so I hope they'll still visit me. Thanks for all of the fun classes, everyone!
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