Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Day Blogging
I was having sort of an eeehhh day on Wednesday, and I happened upon a link to Jersey. No, not New Jersey. How did I go so many years and not know that there was somplace on earth this beautiful? If I had to make a list of places I wanted to visit in my lifetime, this would place would take up the top 10 spots. I have a link on my internet browser and during lunch for the past two days, I've been looking around the island and dreaming of traveling there. Maybe someday...
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
There Will Be Date Night
I was asked to join my high school's alumni advisory board, and I went to the first meeting on Monday night. The topic came up that the school now has an Engineering Club and it would be nice to be able to have some sort of a search tool to find alumni who could speak to the group about careers in engineering. I immediately envisioned myself helping to meld the young minds of the best and the brightest at my school with a rousing speech on the joys of science and engineering. Beaming with pride, I perked up a little because look no further ladies and gentlemen - there is a board-certified engineer in your midst. "I'm an engineer. I would be more than happy to speak to your Engineering Club", I said with a touch of smugness. Then I went on to add, "I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." (Okay, I didn't say that last part - Ron Burgundy Channel 4 anchorman did.) Pat, the alumni director, said "That would be great! Let me check with the club sponsor because I know that it's not 100% an Engineering Club. Sometimes they just play ping pong. It sort of alternates between an Engineering Club and a Ping Pong Club". Background - we used to have a club at our high school for the D&D dorks called the Gamers Guild (picture Anthony Michael Hall's nerd friends in 16 Candles). It doesn't take my years of book learnin' to know that it's now morphed itself into the Ping Pong-ineering Club. Distance yourself... "Um, yeah... that sounds neat. Just let me know if I can assist you guys with anything".
Nicole's due date was Sunday and still no baby. Little Evelyn Molly McLean Haley Mary Alice Dijonaise Erwin should be here any day though. My mom had a thought the other day - what happens if E.M.M.H.M.A.D.E. comes on Friday, Leap Day? Her birthday will only come once every 4 years! Stay tuned...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Class Photo

Ellie had her 9 month appointment on Tuesday. I can't believe she's nine months now. I wish my nine month (and one week) pregnancy would have been as fast as the last 9 months. Ellie is 18 pounds 8 ounces (45th percentile) and 29 inches long (92nd percentile). By comparison, I was 22 pounds 4 ounces at 9 months, but I was um... tall for my age. She didn't have to get any shots, but they did a urinalysis. Since it's really hard to make an infant pee in a cup, they tape a bag to her hoo-hoo and wait for her to pee. It's as weird as it sounds. The doctor said that she needs to start transitioning to table food over the next 3 months so that by the time she's a year, she'll be eating what we eat. She's mowing through her Stage 2 foods, I think she's ready for something more. I tried to give her a pea off my plate the other day and she spit it back at me. She's doing well with Cheerios so we'll stick with that for a while.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Baby Wrangler
Monday, February 11, 2008
"An Allen man convicted of attempting to hire someone to kill his pregnant wife received a 30-year sentence Monday .
A Collin County jury of six men and six women deliberated for about three hours before sentencing Albert Jackson Sterling II to two concurrent 30-year sentences.
Mr. Sterling on Friday was found guilty of two counts of solicitation of capital murder -- one of his wife and one for his then unborn child. The trial, which lasted about two weeks, included testimony from Mr. Sterling's wife, his girlfriend and the would-be hitman who alerted the wife to the scheme.
After the verdict was read, the sentencing hearing began. Mr. Sterling, who did not testify during the trial, took the stand during his sentencing hearing and maintained his innocence.
"Do you still maintain that you are not guilty?" asked Russell Wilson, one of Mr. Sterling's attorneys.
"One hundred percent," Mr. Sterling said, his shackled feet hidden behind the witness stand. "I felt I should give you jurors my story and the reason I was communicating with Jeffrey Thompson," the man he tried to hire. "
I guess we won't be seeing Al at the gym anytime soon.
Friday, February 08, 2008
From the Dallas Morning News:
"A Collin County jury on Friday found a man guilty of hiring someone to kill his pregnant wife. Albert Jackson Sterling II was found guilty of two counts of solicitation of capital murder -- one for his wife and one for the unborn child. He was accused of trying to hire an ex-convict to kill his eight-month pregnant wife in Nov. 2006 at their Allen home.
The six-man, six-woman jury delivered their verdict this morning after six hours of deliberation over two days. When State District Judge Curt Henderson read the first guilty verdict, Mr. Sterling blew out a breath, closed his eyes and dropped his head.
Prosecutors said Mr. Sterling's motive was to be with his girlfriend and for the insurance money for his wife's death. They said he lived two lives -- one as a Christian family man and another as a single man who claimed to be a Navy SEAL and taught a marital arts class.
The sentencing hearing was scheduled to begin later this morning. Mr. Sterling could face up to life in prison for each first-degree felony charge."