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Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day Blogging

I figure I can't blog on February 29 for another 4 years so I'd better take advantage of it. I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat, so I think I'm coming down with a cold. Ellie had a sore throat mid-week, so I think that I picked something up from her. As long as we don't all get the flu, it will be okay. Nicole has not had her Leap Day baby, but there's still 10 hours left in the day.

I was having sort of an eeehhh day on Wednesday, and I happened upon a link to Jersey. No, not New Jersey. How did I go so many years and not know that there was somplace on earth this beautiful? If I had to make a list of places I wanted to visit in my lifetime, this would place would take up the top 10 spots. I have a link on my internet browser and during lunch for the past two days, I've been looking around the island and dreaming of traveling there. Maybe someday...

Have a good weekend!

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