This is going to be long because I haven't blogged in a while. I've been in a project management training class all of this week and it's killing me because it means I've had to use 100% of my brain, and that still isn't enough. Everything has an acronym and there are all sorts of flowsheets and charts with arrows pointing up, down, and around in a circle. And every component has a subcomponent. All the while, the guy sitting behind me coughs and sneezes on my back because he came down with the bubonic plague on Monday. I can't tell if I'm getting sick or if it's all mental. I also haven't been able to go see Ellie at lunch all week, which is a real bummer. I'm so used to seeing my sweet girl every day at noon. But on the bright side, the class has also been really motivating - it has rekindled my desire to become a full time aerobics instructor. If only the pay was the same.
I knew that this weekend was going to be a little different when on Friday morning, I went into Ellie's room and she was sitting up in bed waiting for me. I fed and dressed her and put her down to play in her room when about 30 seconds later, she crawled into my bathroom, grabbed the tub, pulled herself up, and just stood there looking at me. In the short span of a week, I've gone from having a kid who sits there and looks pretty (okay... really pretty) to having the kid who wants to explore every square inch of our house. I should explain the photo - if Ellie gets tired when she's eating, she starts rubbing her eyes and usually a carrot unibrow ensues.
We worked most of the day Sunday and Lee did about 8 hours of yard work. It was at about 8PM that he realized he was no longer wearing his wedding ring. There were plenty of places it could have been because he had planted a tree, trimmed some bushes and cleaned out our garage - but he decided that it was probably in the "yard waste" bag, so after work on Monday, he went through all of the clippings and found it. This is the second time he's done this. He promises he's going to wear gloves now.
I've got to wrap this up because it's turning into War and Peace. A little background first... When I was little, my mom and I would go to the movies in the summer a lot because she was a teacher and she was out of school. We would always pay for one movie and then sneak into another. I don't know how many times we snuck into Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981, but it was enough to make it my all time favorite movie. Thinking back, I don't know how appropriate it was to take a 5 year old to a movie where Nazis faces are melting off, but that's neither here nor there. So you could say that when I found out they were making a fourth Indiana Jones movie, I was beside myself. It's in my Palm Pilot... May 22... I present to you - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
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