It's so hot. I love living in Texas about 85% of the time. The rest of the time, it's July and August. I watched the forecast last night and they're saying it's going to be 102 every day until Saturday. The should forgo the displaying the actual high temperature and just show a little man with his hair on fire because that's what it feels like. The only thing that's making me feel a little less cranky is the new Jason Mraz CD I got last week. Love it. I think I'm going to burn a hole in it before the end of the summer. Listening to it makes me feel like I'm on a tropical island far, far away. I bought pre-sale tickets for his October concert this morning and I'm so looking forward to that. I'm starting to think of Texas summers as a bad "fun tax" we have to pay to get to college football season and awesome weather.

We had such a good time this weekend going to Cedar Creek Lake with
the Hardeman's. Stephanie did a great job of capturing the whole weekend on her blog. It was actually a lot cooler there than it was here on our urban heat island. I think all of the trees and the breeze had something to do with it . The Hardeman's son, Cooper, is 2 weeks older than Ellie, so they're pretty developmentally even. It's nice to have friends who also have a small child because they don't care if your child has a meltdown, throws food on the floor, poops in her pants, or requires a nap at an inconvenient time because it's very likely that their child is doing the same thing.
We got there right before lunch and naptime for Ellie on Saturday. After the kiddos woke up, they were full-on playing outside. Ellie doesn't really play "with" other kids yet so much as she plays next to them. I think that's a skill she's still learning. She's also learning to share... something she hasn't learned from being an only child. Poor Cooper - Ellie thought every sippy cup and toy was hers. She missed her Saturday morning swimming lesson so we took her swimming in the lake. Lee and I would throw her up in the air back and forth and catch her. She loved it. We cooked out for dinner that night and after all of the kiddos went to bed, we took the boat out on the lake. Late night, Lee and Danny played each other on the Wii. I had never seen one before, but it was quite entertaining. I really wanted to see Lee and Danny box each other, but they stuck with golf. I think Lee may want a Wii, but we talked about it on the way home, and at this point in our lives, I don't know how much we'd really use it. I can't see us virtual bowling with each other that much. Thank you, Danny and Stephanie - we had a great time!
Ellie has been fairly cranky for the past few days. I think she's getting some more teeth added to the fact that she has a cold. It's been tough to get her to go to sleep at night. Ellie has a new boyfriend at daycare (sorry, Cooper). His name is Aiden and he's very cute. Today I picked her up and after I got her out of the classroom, Ellie and Aiden stood there at the window that opens onto the hall just looking at each other. Ellie blew him kisses and he just waved. I took her hand and lead her away, but she turned around and ran back to blow more kisses. Oh brother.

I have a new time filler - Facebook. If any of you out there are members, add me to your list! I'm under the e-mail thebrightspot@yahoo.com. Lee is on there too.
so when you guys come in Sept, I would like Lee to talk to Josh about having FUN at the pool with children. Josh is so protective. I think he would have a melt down if I three Eileen at him. So I just throw her up by myself while he cringes at gives me the evil eye.
I am not over the quintuplets BLOG! HOLY CRAP!!!
Your little one makes me smile!
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