This is getting ridiculous. People in my neighborhood have Christmas light up now. And it's not just that they're up... they're on. I am officially boycotting Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. No more talk of it until then.
I had my first out-of-town trip today. I went to Tulsa and it went really well. I had to take my pump with me and to my surprise, the liquids ban is not in effect for nursing mothers. They didn't look at my pump or any of the liquids I had with me. I thought that was strange, but that's fine. I was a little nervous about leaving Ellie for the first time (even though it was a day trip), so to let me know she was okay with the whole situation, she threw up first thing in the morning. Of course. Because why wouldn't she vomit on the first day I have to go out of town? She went to daycare anyway and she was fine. Lee was such a help by taking her and picking her up. I pulled a Foldger's commercial on her today and secretly switched half of her breast milk with half formula and she would have none of it. Refused to eat. Great - now I have a breast milk junkie on my hands. Ellie - I'm giving you fair warning. this bar isn't staying open forever.
When I got home, our friend Mike was there to watch the Tennessee-Arkansas game with Lee. After it ended, he and Lee went to the SMU game. I can't believe they've gone the whole season without winning one game. While they did that, I went to the mall to look for a Christmas outfit for Ellie because she had her Christmas portrait made on Sunday. It took me four hours to find something. Because according to many of the shop workers, you have to come in October to get the really good outfits. On Sunday, we went to the Christmas bazaar at my parent's church and took Ellie for her portrait.
After the long weekend, Ellie was really tired by bedtime on Sunday. We have started putting her in the high chair while we eat because she seems pretty happy there and neither of us has to try and eat while holding a baby. She started getting pretty fussy at 8:10, so I got her out of the high chair to get her ready for bed. I was carrying her with her butt in the crook of my left arm when all at one time, I heard something hitting the hardwood floor and realized there was something all over my arm. I looked down and my beautiful, sweet child had crapped all over herself and there was a line of poop from my armpit to my knee and down onto the floor. Let's just say if she was Chinese, her name would be Who Flung Poo. I stood there holding her out in disgust and shock and Lee ran over to help. He wiped up the floor and then started wiping me off, which pushed the poo deeper into my clothing. So. Freaking. Gross. She peed on Lee as he was getting her ready for her bath on Saturday night so I guess she thought it was my turn.
Ellie is turning six months on Friday (can you believe it?!) and we're going to try the rice cereal with her this weekend. I am sure next time you check, we will have some great picture of her "eating" her cereal for the first time. Let the solid food fun begin.
1 comment:
OMG! I can't believe you had almost the exact same poo experience as us. Well, at least you can laugh at it now, right? Good luck with the cereal!
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