If Ellie's first experience with rice cereal could best be expressed by one picture, it would be this:

We went to the doctor today for her six month shots and Ellie received another good report card. Her growth is starting to slow a little, which is fine because for a while she was consistently in the 95th percentile for height and I thought she was going to wind up a WNBA player. Tall is good, but really tall makes you taller than all of the boys in eighth grade and nobody wants to ask you to dance because you make all of the guys feel like midgets so you're stuck dancing with that semi-tall guy from math class who who draws mythical creatures in the margins his paper all period. Not that that's ever happened to me. I'm just saying it could and I don't want it to happen to Ellie. Now Ellie is 15 pounds and 11 ounces (50th percentile) and 26.5 inches (75th percentile). She got all of the normal shots plus her flu shot. She's getting so much better when they give her the shots now. She only cried for about 10 seconds and then stopped. I only cried for about 3 seconds.
I am SO excited that I have a four day weekend this weekend. We really don't have anything planned, but I can tell you right now, I'm not going to be at the mall. When we were there this past weekend, it wasn't that bad, but if I can do it and if I need to, I'm going to try to hit the mall after work instead of on the weekends. Christmas shopping is such a whip. I've already ordered some stuff on-line... maybe I'll get the rest there too. After all - free shipping. Who knows what the rest of the weekend holds, but I'm guessing I'll eat way too much on Thanksgiving. Last year was nice because I had my maternity pants on so there was a lot of give. Speaking of elastic waist bands... I had been slacking off on the Weight Watchers so I went back tonight. I thought I'd gained, but I had lost and I'm actually only 6 pounds away from my "WW" goal and nine pounds from my overall goal. I don't think I'm going to get there by Christmas, but I think I can get there by mid-February. I'm bringing the heat in the new year. Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day. Gobble till you wobble!
She almost looks ticked off. As you can see, she's not a big fan of eating solid foods. We had quite the production on Saturday night. Lee was videotaping her first bites and simultaneously taking pictures while I tried to get Ellie to open her mouth so I could shove in a bite of cereal. She didn't eat that much and wound up throwing up at 4am. The next night she ate a little more, but woke up every hour. On Monday night, I switched to an organic rice cereal and she only woke up once so maybe she didn't like the Gerber. Tonight she ate the most that she's eaten so far, so we'll see what happens. She's started to figure out that after I put the food in her mouth, if she makes a raspberry sound, it'll fly out of her mouth and all over me. I can't wait until we start the green foods.
As for the rest of the weekend, my office had our annual Thanksgiving party on Friday so all of my co-workers got to see Ellie. I don't think they'd seen her since late August, so she had changed quite a bit. We went to another Highland Park game on Friday night. It was a little chilly so we had Ellie all bundled up. HP won against Frisco so they play again this weekend in Tyler. I think it must be the regional championship? We haven't decided it we'll go to that one. On Saturday, Ellie made our usual run to Target, watched the Vols almost loose to Vandy, and then hit a wine bar. Because that's how she rolls. On Sunday it was church, mall and then Cowboys game. I also finally got Ellie's closet in order.
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