What a great Thanksgiving weekend! We got to spend time with family, watch a lot of football, and relax. It was a good time to do it since the Arctic Circle moved through the Metroplex on Wednesday afternoon. Burrr! We spent Thanksgiving Day at the Bright's house in Dallas. It's so nice that my parents are close enough so that both of our families can celebrate together. The Brights, the Rogers, and David and Lissa were all there for the feast. We had the traditional Greenburg turkey with all of the trimmings and watched the Cowboys go 10-1. While I was watching the game, I noticed it was snowing at the game and all of the sudden I realized that the Cowboys were playing a home game. I looked outside and sure enough, it was snowing. Not much, but a little. Ellie was so good all day. Even with her routine totally disrupted, she didn't cry of even get fussy once.
On Friday, Mike came over to watch his alma matter, Arkansas, beat #1 LSU and also to watch my Aggies beat Texas for the second year in a row. It got pretty rowdy at the Bright residence - partly because of all of the outstanding football and partly because a couple of wine bottles were opened. Then on Friday, Lee watched the Vols beat Kentucky in triple overtime and HP won their playoff game and my high school won their playoff game to go to the state finals. So we were very happy football fans this weekend.
I said I wasn't going go go shopping, but I wound up hitting Grapevine Mills with Beth on Saturday afternoon along with the rest of Dallas. Ellie already has two Christmas outfits, but Beth found two more party dresses that Ellie had to have. So now Ellie has four Christmas dresses. I'm going to have to find more parties to take her to so she can wear them all. We have our first party this weekend... now I just need to find something to wear! After the big shopping day, my parents baby sat so Lee and I could meet Elizabeth and Ned for dinner and watch No Country for Old Men. If you're looking for an uplifting magical holiday movie, this was pretty much the opposite of that. Lots of blood, but it was good. Javier Bardem wins the award for creepiest creepy guy.
Ellie has come a long way since last week when she adamantly opposed to the introduction of rice cereal. I fed her tonight and she actually opened her mouth every time she saw the spoon coming. I'd say she ate about 1/3 cup of cereal. I'm going to stick with the rice cereal for a few more days and then try out the peas I bought this weekend. I think all of these solid foods have done a number on her stomach because she's a little backed up right now. On the bright side, she didn't blow through an outfit at day care today. I won't go so far as to say that Ellie has said her first word, but she's started saying "ma-ma". Right now I think it's just babble but it's a start. And she so squirmy now. I really have to be careful because she jerks around to look at what a noise was or to grab something on her changing table. She's gotten very active and my prediction is that she'll be crawling by Christmas. Guess we need to start baby proofing!
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