Monday, March 31, 2008
I'm Still Standing
Ellie is one step closer to walking because she can briefly stand by herself now. I've only see her do it once and that was on Friday night, but the ladies at day care tell me she's doing it more often. When I saw her do it, she was squatting down and then slowly stood up - stayed there for a few seconds and then grabbed the sofa. Quite daring. It's hard enough for me to keep track of her now... I can't imagine what it will be like when she starts running through the house.
I took Trudie to the vet on Saturday morning because she was having some eye troubles (as if being blind wasn't problematic enough). I've wondered about her quality of life lately, so I discussed euthanasia with the vet. The doctor said she probably still has a few good months left unless the tumor on her tummy, which is likely cancerous, spreads to other areas of her body. They're not going to do a bunch of blood work or biopsy the spot because they don't want to upset her. She's not in pain right now, she's still spunky, she's got a good appetite, and can find me wherever I am. She's dropped from 10.5 pounds to 9 pounds in the last 6 months, so I'm just going to try to keep her as comfortable as possible and enjoy my friend while I can.
After Trudie's trip to the vet, Ellie had another swim lesson. She's starting to be able to associate a name with an action so she waves and blows kisses on demand and will actually kick when I tell her to kick now. It's not a swimmers kick though - it's more like a frog kick. She brings both heels up toward her and then kicks them out. I'm expecting a full scholarship to Stanford one day from those frog kicks so she'd better step up her game.
Ellie has been trying to venture into our cabinets lately so Lee installed some child locks on them Saturday. I cannot get my fat little finger between the cabinet door and the lock so now I have to use a knife to break into my own cabinets. I keep forgetting the locks are on there, so I almost rip the hardware off the cabinets every time I try to open them. I'm sure that one day... in a month or so... I will remember to use the knife.
The rest of the weekend, Lee tilled up our backyard because he's going to plan all new grass. It's a big job... we're hoping it will look for the big first birthday party. We also watched The Kite Runner on DVD. If you haven't seen this movie, it's definitely one to rent. We really liked it - it was probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while. We also opened some of the wine that Lee made last year. It had the aroma of cherries with a subtle hint of earthiness followed by an overwhelming taste of Robitussin. Sorry, honey. We only had a few sips and then threw the rest of the bottle out. So if we gave you a bottle for Christmas - let this be your warning. On Sunday, my mom came over to visit Ellie and stayed with her while I ran some errands. Ellie was so tired that she went to bed at thirty minutes earlier at 7:30 that night. I thought that was great until she woke up thirty minutes earlier the next morning.
I wish Ellie was a little older so she could enjoy what is going on outside of our window - we have a pair of doves nesting. Lee and I decided to name them Todd and Margo after our favorite couple from Christmas Vacation. Margo has been staying in the nest lately so we can't tell if she's already laid her eggs or not. Todd usually stays in the tree out front. I can't wait to see all of the baby birdies! We'll give you updates as Margo and Todd's family grows.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Springtime Swingtime
I got this picture of Ellie on my phone when I visited her at day care during lunch this afternoon. We had the whole playground to ourselves because all of the toddlers were taking their naps. It was her first time in a swing, and she loved it. I pushed her from the front so she could keep an eye on me. When she would swing toward me, I'd give her a funny face and a sound effect to make her laugh.
This weekend, we taught her to blow a kiss and now she is pretty proficient at it. When I left, she waved bye-bye and then blew me two kisses. So sweet.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter 2008
After the bunny pic, we walked around the arboretum with the Hardemans and got some great pictures of Ellie in the tulips. If you want to see all of the photos, they're on our Shutterfly collection. I also finally uploaded all of the ones from January and February. That night, Lee went to his friend Kevin's church because Lee was Kevin's RCIA sponsor. This means I got to have a movie night so I chose to watch Enchanted. So cute. I can't wait until Ellie likes princess movies. I may have to buy Enchanted for Ellie. She may not be into it now... but I am!
Lee got home pretty late from the Saturday evening and then we got up and went as a family to 11AM Easter service. Poor Lee - he had enough church for a whole year this weekend. We met my parents, Beth, and Ben at church and then had lunch at the Petroleum Club. We had to get there 30 minutes early for a seat and I'm glad we did because halfway through church, I got up to change Ellie's diaper and people were standing out he sidewalk outside because it was so packed. Sadly, Lee's dad could not join us because he was visiting his mother in Chattanooga who has been sick with pneumonia lately. She fell ill during her trip to Dallas for Christmas and never fully recovered. Elizabeth was on a girl's trip to Brazil with her friend Mimi.
I swear Ellie spoke her first word on Monday morning. She already says mama a lot, but she said it indiscriminately before she knew what it meant, so I don't know that that counts. I dropped her off at day care and as I was leaving, I waved at her and said "bye-bye". She looked up at me, waved, and said "bye-bye" back. I stood there and looked at her for a second to see if she would say it again, but she didn't. I'm going to wait until I officially claim that this was her first word just in case she was actually sounding off some really intelligent sounding babble.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Who Wore It Better?
You decide.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Worst Name Ever
So now I have to make the decision - do I mind my own business or do I ask this guy what his name is? I knew that I would forever wonder if his name was Dwayne Pipe, Bill Ding, Chris P. Cream, Noah Ho, or Chris Anthemun so I asked. It was Rocky Rhodes. I'm sure he got the "are you kidding me?" face from me. "You'll never forget my name, will you?", he said. You're right about that, Rocky. Seriously, what parent thinks that's a good idea? For 45 years, this guy has gotten the "are you kidding me?" face from everyone he's introduced himself to or who's looked at his ID. That would be like us naming our kid Rainbow.
UPDATE: Check out the second comment I received... they are not playing around.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Kibble and Bits
I noticed that she needed her diaper changed so I took her into her bedroom, partially undressed her and changed her diaper. Then I sat her down to put her socks on to go... so now it's been about 2-3 minutes since she got into the dog food. Lee came in her room and I told him we needed to keep it off the floor or close the door. He looked at Ellie and said, "She's got something in her mouth". Somehow, I had missed the fact that my beautiful little girl had shoved a handful of kibble into her mouth and had been chewing it while I was diaper changing. I stuck my finger in her mouth and scooped it out which made her mad that I was taking her food away so she started screaming. Let me get this straight... She won't eat peas anymore, but dog food is okay? So gross. I'm just glad we don't give Trudie canned food. When she turns 30 and starts dating, I'm going to tell boys this story so they won't want to kiss her.
Meg sent me this link this morning. It made me laugh.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
10 Months?!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Crawl for Cancer
Friday, March 14, 2008
Peas and ham
I have been SO BAD about taking pictures this week. That's the main reason I haven't blogged - I have no pictures! I promise to do better this weekend. It's going to be beautiful so we're planning on taking Ellie to the zoo. I took this picture with my camera phone last night. Ellie had her first meal of table food. She had peas, ham, and cheerios. She ate all by herself - in fact when I tried to put some ham in her mouth, she refused. She has to do it herself. That's fine with me!
I am so concerned about something I read this morning. If you're going to vote, please educate yourself and read this article. People who espouse beliefs like this are dangerous to our nation. Everyone have a good weekend!
Monday, March 10, 2008
You met who?
Lee: (very excited) Hey! I'm on my way home, but you are NOT going to believe who I met tonight!
Me: Who?
Lee: Okay... um, how do I explain this? Name a specialty food - any specialty food - just the first thing that pops into your head.
Me: ...Risotto?
Lee: Okay good - Risotto. So how would you feel if you met the guy who created the risotto website? I mean like the risotto website?
Me: ...uh... I don't know how I'd feel about that.
Me: Yeah - I get it. I just don't know how cool I think that would be. I mean it's risotto.
Lee: Okay - forget that example. Are you ready for who I met?
Me: Yes.
Lee: The guy who started!!
Me: ...
Lee: Hello? Did I loose you?
Me: No. I'm still here.
Lee: Did you hear me? I met the guy who started! PIZZA MAKING DOT COM, Tiffany.
Me: ...
Lee: I can't believe you don't think that's cool.
Me: I don't even know what that is.
Lee: It's a website totally devoted to pizza.
Me: I figured that.
Lee: I'll explain - the guy who started it is retired and runs this website now. He knows everything about pizza. In fact, he taught me how to reverse engineer a pizza.
Me: Reverse engineer?
Lee: Yes - reverse engineer. In other words, if you have a certain kind of flour and a certain type of oven, he can tell you how best to make a pizza. And he travels around the country reviewing pizzas.
Me: Oh.
Lee: I can't believe you're not impressed at all. Basically, I met the Robert Parker of pizza making.
Me: Who is Robert Parker?
Lee: Ohmygod. He's the most famous wine critic ever.
Me: I guess I don't get it.
Lee: (completely defeated) I'll be home in a few minutes....
Has anyone else heard of this website? I don't want to be that girl that nothing impresses, but I just wasn't that impressed. Maybe if I liked pizza more?
Friday, March 07, 2008
Snow Day!
Or not. Again - precipitation disappointment at the Bright house. It snowed 6-9 INCHES about 50 miles north of our house and even 2-3 inches about 20 miles north of our house, but at the Bright house? Zero. Zero inches of snow. As you can see, the cold weather does not bother Ellie... she was as snug as a bug in a rug this morning when I dropped her off at day care. Maybe Ellie will see her first snow next year.