The Ellie Timer

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, March 14, 2008

Peas and ham

I have been SO BAD about taking pictures this week. That's the main reason I haven't blogged - I have no pictures! I promise to do better this weekend. It's going to be beautiful so we're planning on taking Ellie to the zoo. I took this picture with my camera phone last night. Ellie had her first meal of table food. She had peas, ham, and cheerios. She ate all by herself - in fact when I tried to put some ham in her mouth, she refused. She has to do it herself. That's fine with me!

I am so concerned about something I read this morning. If you're going to vote, please educate yourself and read this article. People who espouse beliefs like this are dangerous to our nation. Everyone have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

Obama has been pulling off one of the greatest frauds of the past century...selling himself for what he is not to millions of people. Perhaps Michelle Obama's statement several weeks ago about having never being proud of her country makes more sense!

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