Today is the big day. Will Texas pick Obama or Hillary? I generally don't care much for politics (it's not that I don't care), but I'm excited that Super Tuesday is here because that means the political commericals will finally stop. Every third commercial is a political commercial. The hands-down winner for worst commercial comes from Hillary. It's the one where the commercial fades in and you hear her voice saying, "Every morning when I get up, I ask myself, 'How can I help someone today?'". Really? That's what you ask yourself? I'm totally calling BS on that. I guarantee the first thing she asks herself is #1 - "I wonder where Bill slept last night?" followed by #2 - "How the hell did this guy get ahead of me in the polls?!!" And maybe after today everyone will stop using the word "caucus". One of our VPs called me today as I was leaving and he asked me if I was on my way to caucus. I started giggling. Because I'm 12.
Did anyone else have a totally off-whack February 29th? Based on my Friday at work, I'm convinced that day is cursed because it's a fake day. I seriously think that everything that could have gone wrong with one of my projects did. An unfortunate series of events involving some buried underground utilities left me on the phone with our legal department at 4PM wondering why I'm not smart enough to carry a flask around with me. I wish I could say, "It's not my fault", but as the project manager, it is my fault even though I've done everything I can. Since my cold was coming on strong, I was in bed asleep by 10 PM. Goodbye and good riddance, Leap Day.
I am so glad that we saw Van Halen back in January because they cancelled their second Dallas show for Monday night. Van Halen according to their website, Eddie is "undergoing medical testing" which is code for "he's back on the hooch and headed to rehab." I just hope the Police stay together long enough for us to see them in May!
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