The Ellie Timer

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

What a beautiful weekend! The weather was absolutely perfect on Saturday, so Lee and I met our friends, the Hardemans, at the Dallas Arboretum for Dallas Blooms. I guess I didn't give it much thought because spectacular weather + the day before Easter + everyone on Spring Break = the perfect storm of arboretum overload. The arboretum had chartered buses and was literally bringing in people by the busload. One of the main reasons I wanted to go on Saturday was because one of the local photographers was taking Easter pictures with a live bunny. The bunny may as well have been stuffed (or tranquilized) because he didn't move the whole time - even when Ellie tugged on his neck. We dressed Ellie up in her Easter outfit, bonnet, and the locket I wore as a little girl for photos with the bunny. She did really well.

After the bunny pic, we walked around the arboretum with the Hardemans and got some great pictures of Ellie in the tulips. If you want to see all of the photos, they're on our Shutterfly collection. I also finally uploaded all of the ones from January and February. That night, Lee went to his friend Kevin's church because Lee was Kevin's RCIA sponsor. This means I got to have a movie night so I chose to watch Enchanted. So cute. I can't wait until Ellie likes princess movies. I may have to buy Enchanted for Ellie. She may not be into it now... but I am!

Lee got home pretty late from the Saturday evening and then we got up and went as a family to 11AM Easter service. Poor Lee - he had enough church for a whole year this weekend. We met my parents, Beth, and Ben at church and then had lunch at the Petroleum Club. We had to get there 30 minutes early for a seat and I'm glad we did because halfway through church, I got up to change Ellie's diaper and people were standing out he sidewalk outside because it was so packed. Sadly, Lee's dad could not join us because he was visiting his mother in Chattanooga who has been sick with pneumonia lately. She fell ill during her trip to Dallas for Christmas and never fully recovered. Elizabeth was on a girl's trip to Brazil with her friend Mimi.

I swear Ellie spoke her first word on Monday morning. She already says mama a lot, but she said it indiscriminately before she knew what it meant, so I don't know that that counts. I dropped her off at day care and as I was leaving, I waved at her and said "bye-bye". She looked up at me, waved, and said "bye-bye" back. I stood there and looked at her for a second to see if she would say it again, but she didn't. I'm going to wait until I officially claim that this was her first word just in case she was actually sounding off some really intelligent sounding babble.

If you're in the Dallas area, you should take a trip to the Arboretum... it's absolutely gorgeous right now!

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