The Ellie Timer

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm Still Standing

Again, I was not a great photographer so I'm posting more photos from Easter weekend.

Ellie is one step closer to walking because she can briefly stand by herself now. I've only see her do it once and that was on Friday night, but the ladies at day care tell me she's doing it more often. When I saw her do it, she was squatting down and then slowly stood up - stayed there for a few seconds and then grabbed the sofa. Quite daring. It's hard enough for me to keep track of her now... I can't imagine what it will be like when she starts running through the house.

I took Trudie to the vet on Saturday morning because she was having some eye troubles (as if being blind wasn't problematic enough). I've wondered about her quality of life lately, so I discussed euthanasia with the vet. The doctor said she probably still has a few good months left unless the tumor on her tummy, which is likely cancerous, spreads to other areas of her body. They're not going to do a bunch of blood work or biopsy the spot because they don't want to upset her. She's not in pain right now, she's still spunky, she's got a good appetite, and can find me wherever I am. She's dropped from 10.5 pounds to 9 pounds in the last 6 months, so I'm just going to try to keep her as comfortable as possible and enjoy my friend while I can.

After Trudie's trip to the vet, Ellie had another swim lesson. She's starting to be able to associate a name with an action so she waves and blows kisses on demand and will actually kick when I tell her to kick now. It's not a swimmers kick though - it's more like a frog kick. She brings both heels up toward her and then kicks them out. I'm expecting a full scholarship to Stanford one day from those frog kicks so she'd better step up her game.

Ellie has been trying to venture into our cabinets lately so Lee installed some child locks on them Saturday. I cannot get my fat little finger between the cabinet door and the lock so now I have to use a knife to break into my own cabinets. I keep forgetting the locks are on there, so I almost rip the hardware off the cabinets every time I try to open them. I'm sure that one day... in a month or so... I will remember to use the knife.

The rest of the weekend, Lee tilled up our backyard because he's going to plan all new grass. It's a big job... we're hoping it will look for the big first birthday party. We also watched The Kite Runner on DVD. If you haven't seen this movie, it's definitely one to rent. We really liked it - it was probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while. We also opened some of the wine that Lee made last year. It had the aroma of cherries with a subtle hint of earthiness followed by an overwhelming taste of Robitussin. Sorry, honey. We only had a few sips and then threw the rest of the bottle out. So if we gave you a bottle for Christmas - let this be your warning. On Sunday, my mom came over to visit Ellie and stayed with her while I ran some errands. Ellie was so tired that she went to bed at thirty minutes earlier at 7:30 that night. I thought that was great until she woke up thirty minutes earlier the next morning.

I wish Ellie was a little older so she could enjoy what is going on outside of our window - we have a pair of doves nesting. Lee and I decided to name them Todd and Margo after our favorite couple from Christmas Vacation. Margo has been staying in the nest lately so we can't tell if she's already laid her eggs or not. Todd usually stays in the tree out front. I can't wait to see all of the baby birdies! We'll give you updates as Margo and Todd's family grows.


Unknown said...

I think that you should stop using a knife to open the cabinets and maybe think about a screwdriver or something less likely to cut you!

Unknown said...

it's been at least 6 months since we installed those d*mn cabinet locks, and I STILL forget they are there. So far, I have not ripped any cabinets out of the wall.